I didn't want to say anything just in case it didn't happen. But it has and you'll never believe it... WE'RE GOING TO INDIA! If I'm being honest, even I can't really believe it. Flights have been booked and dates are basically set in stone! From the 12th July to the 8th of September, once again, I will be living out of my suitcase.
Of course I am ecstatic and beyond excited. India has been on my bucket list for as long as I can remember. Not just because of the Taj Mahal, the elephants and all the beautiful culture but also because India is somewhat of a mystery to me. I have heard so much about it but I can't imagine it, so I'm excited to experience it for myself.
But I am also incredibly nervous. It's no secret that I love travelling but after my first dose of homesickness in Thailand, 2 months seems like a very long time! It will be the first time I've travelled with a boyfriend, the longest time I have travelled independently away from any organisations like Camp America and it will be the first time I've experienced a real culture shock.
After spending almost 4 months in America and 6 weeks in Thailand, I know that nerves are natural when you start the process of planning a new trip...
But India feels different.
There are reasons behind my nerves. There are the constant stories of travellers being scammed, but honestly? This doesn't phase me so much. There are scammers (is that even a word?!) in every country and I like to think I have become wise enough to avoid this.
India is also still a developing country. Their sanitation doesn't even compare to ours in the UK, maybe this doesn't sound so bad but I don't mean the occasional blocked loo and dirty shower... I'm talking about a world without regular bathroom facilities, as in a toilet shortage, as in there are not enough toilets for the country and even less clean water. How does that sound? Not so good right?
But what really worries me is how women are treated. Now before anyone gets the wrong idea, I am 100% not saying that all Indian women are treated horribly and all men in India are evil predators, that is definitely NOT what I am trying to say. BUT the amount of stories you read about women travelling who have been constantly stared at, harassed, groped and threatened is enough to put any young woman off travelling to India even if she is going with a partner.
So why on earth are you going?
That is exactly the question I wanted you to ask! How did you know?!
Well, I will not allow this to phase me (and it won't phase my parents either). I refuse. Like I said it is a developing country and I feel that travelling to and around India will teach me some of the most valuable life lessons I will ever learn, which is why I am so determined to go. The only way the western civilisation will learn to be appreciative of the culture we live in, is to experience the cultures that are completely different and less advantaged than ours. Whilst I am appreciative for the society I live in, I know that I still take it for granted.
"If your nerve deny you - go above your
nerve." - Emily Dickinson
(Have you seen the film Wild yet? If you haven't, you have to.)
Charlie and I haven't planned that much yet, (so please leave me any advise in the comments, I will be eternally grateful!!!) but we definitely won't be spending the whole two months in India. Mainly because I'm pretty sure Charlie won't be able to deal with all the spice. He can barely cope with Nando's spicy chicken let alone Indian curries! (Pathetic, I know.) Plus I don't think I could visit Asia without visiting Bali again.. 10 days was just not enough last time and I'm looking forward to exploring more of the beautiful island! (and maybe more of Indonesia?)
Who knows what we'll do! Right now the World is our oyster and I am looking forward to a new adventure with my partner in crime.
Hope you'll stick around to follow me on my adventure!
-S x
Where are you visiting this year?
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