27 Oct 2014

October Antics

It's almost the end of October and I can't believe how fast this year is going!! October has been a hectic but good month for me and I have kept my Instagram up to date with what I've been doing. Instagram is easily my favourite form of social media, I love having a place to document the small things that happen in my life! Here is what has happened in October in an Instagram timeline.

After three months without my boy we spent a week looking after my pup and making up lost time. This photo was taken on a night out for my friend's 22nd birthday, which happened to be the same night we met a year ago :)

AAAAAAAAAAAAH BABY SIS! I missed my Little J toooo much! I took a trip up to Manchester to reunite after 2 painful months apart and to give her the presents I bought her in Thailand. I can safely say it was worth the 5 hour journey. 

 Croissants, hot chocolate and a massive amount of gossip and catching up = the perfect brunch

A massive meal to say goodbye and good luck to a manager who had a massive impact on our store. Ollie will be jetting off to Kuwait for two years to open an Abercrombie & Fitch, I have never met someone so dedicated to Hollister and I have no doubt that the store in Kuwait will be massively successful.

With the massive amount of work and stress going on at university, I really wished I was back on the beach relaxing with my best friend, despite my homesickness. Ooh, little update on Miss Tierney, I am proud to say that she has now been promoted and is a manager at Hollister!

The only good thing about early commutes to university, I get to watch the sunrise! Pink skies are definitely my weakness.

Date Night! The original plan was to go bowling but it was an extortionate £15 per person and they were fully booked on Saturday night. We opted for shopping and burgers instead, a pretty perfect alternative.

The next morning we met up with one of Charlie's best friends for breakfast. Following a full English, Charlie persuaded me to go for a walk round the reservoir, convincing me that the fresh air would do my horrendous cold a lot of good. It didn't and I didn't want to walk, so I got a shoulder ride... He really is too good to me.

October in an Instagram nutshell! I may be quiet over the next few weeks as I have sooooo many deadlines to meet but hopefully I'll be able to fit in some exciting things to write about.


Steph xx

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