26 Feb 2014

The Bucket List

To break up some of my adventures (and so I don't run out of places rapidly) I've decided to add in some other travel related and maybe even some lifestyle posts! Enjoy!
Tomb Stoning in Majorca

19 Feb 2014

Cairo & El Gouna, Egypt.

I am a firm believer in "it's not what you know, it's who you know", I was fortunate enough that the guy I was dating's family lived in Egypt meaning that I only had to provide money for flights and money I wanted to spend out there whilst my accommodation and food was covered. I don't know what it was about Egypt, whether it was the time I went, my fascination with the middle east or whether it was the fact that I went with one of my favourite people. I can honestly say it was the trip of a lifetime.

12 Feb 2014

Tours, France

 Bonjour!! As my first post was in the early hours of this morning, I figured it doesn't really count as my Wednesday post! So here is my first Wednesday post! :) It's going to be about the first of my many adventures.. When I ventured to France to do work experience...

11 Feb 2014

a little about me...

My name is Steph. I am an English Literature student studying in the wonderful city of Bath, the neighbouring city to my favourite place in the world; the beautiful Bristol. I have a passion for writing, art, photography, sport (not rollerblading) and travelling. I will use this blog as an output for the stress of University deadlines, the excitement of prospective new adventures and the trauma of having no money.
One of my best experiences, trying (and failing) at rollerblading on Venice Beach.